
Pay It Forward


Pay It Forward


Pay It Forward contributions allow us to provide lower and no cost services and products following our equity model.  You can find out more about how we do this via the sliding scale info page and equity statement on our website (www.asevaluation.com).

You can consider it a tip, compensation for the products you receive, or your contribution towards our Pay It Forward sliding-scale model.

If you have any questions about how Pay It Forward contributions are used or how to decide if or how much you should contribute, please feel free to contact us at hello@asevaluation.com.

Unfortunately, these contributions are not tax deductible as AS Community Consulting is not a 501(c)(3) organization.

*Please note, Gumroad takes a percentage out of every sale. If you would like to make a Pay It Forward contribution in another way so that we are able to receive the full donation, please send us an email.

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